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AirChat is a new voice-based social network that allows users to communicate through asynchronous audio messages or “voice notes”. The invite-only app aims to provide a more personal and intimate social experience by leveraging the power of voice.

What is AirChat?

AirChat is a voice messaging app that operates as the first voice-first public messenger. The platform centers around an audio feed where users can record and share voice notes, as well as quote, cite, and respond to the voice notes of others.

Key features of AirChat include:

  • Asynchronous voice messaging: Users can record voice messages or audio posts at their convenience without needing others to be present at the same time. This facilitates more flexible conversations.
  • Built-in transcription: AirChat’s proprietary speech recognition engine transcribes audio messages into text. This text can be rendered alongside the voice recording or searched later.
  • Audio feed: The main feed autoplays chains of voice notes similar to a podcast or audio series.

How AirChat Works?

The core AirChat experience centers around recording and sharing voice messages in an audio feed:

  • Recording voice notes: Users press and hold the mic button to record a voice message up to five minutes long. These asynchronous audio posts do not need recipients to be live at the same time.
  • Autoplaying feed: The main feed streams chains of back-and-forth voice conversations automatically similar to a social audio playlist.
  • Quoting voice notes: Every voice message has a unique ID that users can cite when replying or building on an audio discussion.
  • Voice transcription: In addition to playing the audio, AirChat provides machine-generated text transcription of all voice notes on the platform.
Voice RecordingTap and hold to record 2-minute voice messages
Audio FeedReceived voice notes autoplay sequentially
QuotingSelect transcript text to quote other users
TranscriptionText versions from speech-to-text engine
buy airchat invite code

Benefits of Voice-Based Social Media

Voice-first social networks like AirChat have several advantages over traditional text messaging:

  • More personal communication: Hearing someone’s actual voice facilitates more intimate connections, sharing emotions, nuances, empathy etc.
  • Hands-free engagement: Voice eliminates typing fatigue. Users can multitask and airchat hands-free.
  • Expressive vocal conversations: Voice conveys more warmth, nuance, empathy than written text. Audio messages capture tone, inflection, emotion.

Getting Started on AirChat

Since AirChat is currently in closed beta, users need an invite code to access the platform:

  • Request an invite code: Join the waitlist or buy AirChat Invite at to receive an exclusive AirChat invite code.
  • Set up a profile: Download the iOS/Android app and create your public profile including name, bio, profile picture etc.
  • Find communities: Browse topics you’re interested in to join public groups or create your own community.

Here is the first look of the Air Chat App.

Using AirChat Effectively

Here are some tips for making the most of AirChat:

  • Record voice clearly: Ensure good microphone quality and minimize background noise when air chatting. Speak loudly and articulately.
  • Engage conversationally: Talk back and forth with others by quoting their voice notes to keep dialogue flowing. Don’t just broadcast one-way messages.
  • Leverage voice transcripts: Use text search to find audio posts later or highlight key quotes from a voice message.

AirChat’s Unique Features

What sets AirChat apart from other voice apps like Clubhouse?

  • Voice transcription engine: Proprietary speech recognition generates automated text transcriptions of all audio messages.
  • Citing voice notes: Users can directly quote any voice note to reply or build conversation threads around topics.
  • Powerful moderation: Hosts have effective tools to moderate negative behavior including banning users, removing messages etc.

The Voice Social Landscape

The Voice Social Landscape

While AirChat is a pioneer in the voice-based social network space, it’s not the only voice messaging app on the market. Here’s how it compares to other popular voice apps:

  • Clubhouse: A live audio-based social platform focused on real-time conversations and events.
  • Twitter Spaces: Twitter’s live audio feature for hosting public or private conversations.

AirChat’s differentiation lies in its focus on asynchronous communication, allowing users to engage in conversations at their convenience. Additionally, AirChat’s built-in transcription and moderation tools set it apart from competitors.

Privacy and Moderation

User privacy and safety are also priorities on AirChat:

  • Private end-to-end encryption: Direct audio messages between two people remain entirely private.
  • Strict community guidelines: Public posts are closely moderated for harmful content, misinformation, toxicity, illegal activity etc.
  • Granular user controls: Individual users can restrict or block other accounts as needed to curate their feed experience.

The Future of AirChat

AirChat remains an early stage startup but has ambitious plans ahead:

  • Exiting closed beta: Over the next year, AirChat aims to become widely accessible to all public audiences beyond the current invite system.
  • Monetization: Potential future business models include tipping creators, subscriptions, ads, enterprise partnerships etc. Revenue streams remain exploratory.
  • Social audio innovation: With voice AI and speech recognition tech advancing, AirChat is positioned at the forefront of inventing and mainstreaming next generation voice-based social networking.

So in summary, AirChat offers a novel way to socialize online through asynchronous voice conversations. The invite-only app aspires to make voice messaging as ubiquitous for social sharing as text messaging is today. Claim your exclusive access code at to start air chatting.


How can someone get an invite to the private beta of AirChat?

AirChat invites are in high demand. Try asking on r/NavalRavikant, following official AirChat accounts on social media, or checking r/AirChat for users offering invites or just Buy one.

What types of conversations happen on AirChat?

There is an emphasis on thoughtful, intellectual discussions on topics like technology, AI, startups, and philosophy, with Naval Ravikant himself participating.